Packages Pre Exam

Packages Pre Exam

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1. When a sea journey follows a road journey, what document is required by ADR when carrying a large container of dangerous substances, for example, a 20-foot freight container?


2. What document is used for international movement of dangerous waste?


3. Drivers receive training before carrying dangerous goods to enable them to understand …


4. Which of the following statements is true for road tunnels for the following road sign?


5. What class has a flash-point as the test for the main hazard of that class?


6. Multi modal transport involves …


7. Flammable liquids with a low flashpoint …


8. During loading and unloading …


9. Gases which have extremely low temperatures are known as …


10. An IBC is …


11. Under which one of the following conditions may foodstuffs be carried on the same vehicle with packages that have the following label?


12. According to the Instructions in Writing (and provided it is safe to do so), what should the driver do in the case of an accident?


13. During the journey, the driver should …


14. What type of dangerous substance has the following two labels?


15. The Control Temperature is a maximum temperature at which an Organic Peroxide …


16. Notionally empty means …


17. What type of dangerous substance has the following label?


18. Which of the following best describes an activity of a packer?


19. Flammable liquids with a high flashpoint …


20. What restrictions apply to transporting dangerous goods that have tunnel restriction code (B) indicated in the transport document?


21. Which gloves are used when handling cold gases?


22. How many eyewash bottles (500ml) are required on vehicles?


23. If an emergency arises on a journey, the drivers first action should be to ….


24. For what reason is an emergency escape mask required, for the carriage of dangerous substances in a freight container,  with the following placards?


25. If a vehicle carrying dangerous goods is in an accident or other emergency, warning signs should be placed on the road. At what distance should they be placed?


26. A gas with the hazard properties TFC belongs to what chemical class?


27. The letter X in a UN package code indicates the package is suitable for substance with …



28. What is the flammability range of a substance?


29. The flashpoint of a flammable liquid is


30. Which one of the following statements is true for an Intermediate Bulk Container (IBC) containing a dangerous solid?


31. What type of dangerous substance has the following label?


32. Which of the following requirements do not apply to fire extinguishers under ADR?


33. According to the instructions in writing, which of the following should be given to each member of the vehicle crew during the carriage of dangerous goods?


34. When pulling away from stationary with part loaded vehicle which of the following best describes the action of an unsecured load …


35. What class is a flammable liquid?


36. In the event of an accident which statement is incorrect? The driver should ensure …


Question 1 of 36


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    Steve Smith

    12 Sep,18

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      Jhon Martin

      12 Sep,18

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit sed do eiusmod tempor labore dolore that magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, exercitation.

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    Warner Martin

    12 Sep,18

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit sed do eiusmod tempor labore dolore that magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, exercitation.


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